Going through the prerequisite checklist can be a bit daunting when planning to set up Sitecore 9 on an existing workstation (where you may already have some of the prerequisites met) or on a VM/new workstation (where you'll need to install new software) to ensure Sitecore 9 runs smoothly.
To make this process a little easier, I've written a PowerShell script that checks for the prerequisites as defined in the Sitecore 9 Installation Guide and Sitecore Compatibility Table and reports if you're missing anything.
As a bonus, it'll apply the IIS_IUSRS Modify permissions to folders defined in section 2.3.1 File System Permissions of the Sitecore 9 Installation Guide wherever applicable, ensure the JAVA_HOME path Environment Variable is set (helps with Solr), and register the Sitecore Powershell Gallery.
The IsThisSitecore9Ready.ps1 script helps verify:
- - Hardware requirements (are there enough cores and RAM?)
- - Operating system compatibility (Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) / 2016 (32-bit/64-bit) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit)
- - System Folder Permissions (Sets IIS_IUSRS Modify permissions to folders defined in section 2.3.1 File System Permissions of the Sitecore 9 Installation Guide)
- - IIS version (8.5+)
- - NET Framework (4.6.2+).
- - SQL Server 2014 SP2 or 2016 SP1
- - JavaRuntime (and confirms JAVA_HOME path Windows EnvironmentVariable is set)
- - Checks and registers SIF (SitecoreInstallFramework and SitecoreFundamentals)
When you run the script, it's run through a series of checks

Please note that this does not cover the following sections from the Sitecore 9 Installation Guide, so you'll want to ensure these loose ends are wrapped up after:
- - 2.3.2 Prerequisites for the Sitecore Installation Framework
- - 2.3.3 Enable Contained Database Authentication
- - 2.3.4 Installing Solr
You can grab a copy of the script here: https://github.com/strezag/IsThisSitecore9Ready
As always, feel free to use and modify the script to fit your needs.
Leave a comment if you have any suggestions or recommendations, too!
Good luck!
Hi Gabe, Do you have or know a way to check for SIF prerequisites as well ?